Strategic Plan

In 2008 the Board of Trustees formalized its strategic plan to ensure ABCEP's continued success in supporting the environmental profession. A Strategic Planning Team including Board of Trustees members and general CEP members formulated mission statements and associated goals. The Team considered financial, customer, business, educational and growth objectives. The Board of Trustees approved the initial Strategic Plan in January 2010.
The Strategic Plan forms the backbone of the Trustees action plans and initiatives. Annually, at its in-person meetings, the Trustees measure progress and adjust implementation means and methods to continue to advance the Strategic Plan themes.
VISIONABCEP is the lead organization certifying environmental professionals; maintaining exemplary standards of ethics and technical practice; and supporting individuals, our profession and the public relying upon our services.
MISSIONABCEP is dedicated to serving the public and our profession globally by conferring the CEP credential upon meritorious environmental professionals found to meet exemplary standards of ethics and technical practice.
IMPLEMENTATION MEANS & METHODS- CEP application workshops are held to educate environmental professionals on the certification process.
- The Board has developed and adopted policies and administrative procedures.
- The mentoring program was developed with the initiation of the Mentoring Committee to assist applicants.
- The panel of CEP In-Training members and representatives to the Trustees was implemented.
- The Academy’s Body of Knowledge serves as an active wiki updated regularly reflecting the active advancement of the environmental field.
- CEP-in action was developed to highlight members and their contributions to the field.
- The CEP by Eminence was developed as an alternative certification route for senior environmental professionals.
- Award programs have been enhanced and developed including the Kramer Award and the Emerging Young Environmental Professional Award.
- The application and member outreach processes are automated and regularly technologically updated.
- Multi-media communication methods are in-place and adapted as technology advances.
- Transition plans and records retention are adapted as personnel and vendors change.
- Partnerships with like-minded associations have been implemented on varying timelines such as with the National Association of Environmental Professionals and American Public University.
- Advocating for the credentialed environmental professional in ASTM standards, federal, state and local programs is a continuous objective.
STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVES ESTABLISH AND PROMOTE RECOGNITION OF CEPs | Gain state and federal recognition of CEP in regulatory requirements.
Gain state licensing or recognition by a national standards organization.
Increase CEP identification and value through improves communications. |
EXPAND PARTNERSHIPS AND ALLIANCES | Realize efficiencies in marketing and training opportunities through partnerships.
Collaborate with organizations that my increase and expand ABCEP Membership. |
EXPAND MEMBER SERVICES | Provide career growth and networking opportunities for ABCEP membership.
Initiate financial service options and benefit options for ABCEP membership.
Retain and diversify ABCEP membership. |